The core of paranu

16 Apr 2019
It just hit me! You don’t know who we are really
Some years ago I got a certificate at a course called ”Working Across Cultures” or something like that. Very interresting course where we got to learn what people from different countries and cultures valued when doing business. And especially in the areas around the middle east getting to know the person at a more personal level was very important.
So let’s get personal!
Daniel Törnberg
Daniel is the man behind the brand.
34 years of age aiming to retire from a life in chains by the age of 40.
Actually, if you ask me, he managed to do so a long time ago.
He lives in a house built by…well, himself of course. Who else?!
And this is not the only house he’s built. And the amazing part is that he built it without any education within construction.
Why would you need that when there is Google?
He started his career as an entrepeneur by selling branded kitchen towels to the local companies in his home town. Next he invented an instrument, or aid you may call it, for people suffering from diabetes. To meassure your blood sugar you used to have to use two different tools but he came up with a sort of pen like thing which nowdays is the only tool you need.
Yes, you probably have seen it. Daniel is the man behind it.
What more? Well…he once had his own chain of sushi restaurants.
And he used to have his own telemarketing team, assisting one of Sweden’s biggest phone companies.
Nowdays, besides running Paranu, he also collects silver. He buys it cheap, melts it and sells it not as cheap as he bought it.
Daniel lives with his dog, Avicii, just outside Stockholm International Airport.
He also has two kids, one of each, which he has part time.
This of course makes him single and further more one of Sweden’s most wanted bachelors.
P.S. This did not come from me, ok?
I think Daniel is a member on a dating site.
The one for humans I mean. The animal version is called Paranu.
Niklas Wiksten
This is the guy with one finger in every corner of this company.
Or as we at Paranu call him: The Guy!
31 years old, single, and like Daniel an extremely profitable guy to hook up with.
Niklas studied economics in highschool and followed that up with taking courses in logistics at a collage level.
His experiences with animals includes a childhood growing up with giunea pigs.
And I know for a fact that animals toaday, especially dogs, really fancies him.
On his spare time he enjoys tennis, snowboarding, diving and of course wildlife and animals.
And that, folks, ends the personal part of Paranu.
From here on it’s all business!
Just kidding! We’re here for ya’ll.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. No matter what!
Lots of Love!
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Mars 18, 2019
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